More schools connect to eTranzact payment system

Jonah Iboma
Six universities and poly-technics have installed eTranzact payment system, including the three campuses of the Nigeria Law School.
eTranzact, a multichannel payment solutions provider, has linked these schools to its payment channel, which enables students to pay their tuition and other school related charges online. In addition, the schools will be able to monitor payments as they are made, thereby reducing to the barest minimum the amount of time it takes to confirm payments.
The payment system, initiated by eTranzact in conjunction with Socketworks and some banks in Nigeria, has been installed at the University of Ilorin; University of Jos; University of Ibadan; Ambrose Alli University; Covenant University; and the Yaba College of Technology.
Some others have commissioned the payment system. Before long, all tertiary institutions in Nigeria would be linked to the online payment system, says Mr. Valentine Obi, Chief Executive Officer of eTranzact.
The cards allow the students register for courses and check results online, thereby eliminating time-consuming practice of filling forms manually.
"As a student of any of these schools, you are automatically given a card that would enable you make all your payments and register online. The card enables mobile commerce for all card holders. So that from the comfort, privacy and mobility a mobile phone gives, the cardholder could transfer money, or receive money without the attendant stress of filling forms and queuing up at a bank hall," Obi said.
The eTranzact platform is linked to majority of the banks in Nigeria, and very shortly, will be linked to all banks operating in Nigeria, said Folake Olabiyi of the Business Development Unit of eTranzact. "What this means is that wherever a cardholder’s bank account is domiciled in Nigeria, the person could carry out different transactions using the internet or a mobile phone. eTranzact is changing the way Nigerians live, work and play, making it easier for people to pay for transactions, whatever the nature of transactions carried out."
"Nigerian educational institutions are entering a new era, increasingly adopting creative technological offerings to enhance the benefits students derive from advanced learning," concluded Mr. Obi


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